Home News Never Allow Anything Take You Away From The Presence of God –...

Never Allow Anything Take You Away From The Presence of God – Pastor Leke 

Pastor Leke Adeboye of the Redeemed Christian Church of God, has hinted his fans about the need to remain in God’s presence. He noted that believers should never allow anything to take them away from the presence of God.

While wishing his fans well at the beginning of the month, Leke Adeboye stated that setback is one of the reasons a believer may quit or hunger to be in God’s presence.

According to him, the devil’ plan is to shift believers’ attention from God’s presence. He thus advised his fans (believers) never to leave God’s presence no matter what they were going through.

“Setback can either quench your fire and hunger for God or increase your fire intensity and hunger. The game plan of the devil is to take you away from God’s presence.

In this new month no matter what you are going through or what you have gone through, never allow anything to take you away from the presence of God.

The scripture says, ‘If you seek me you will find me’. God can make all grace abound towards you. Connect back to your source so you won’t be dry”, Pastor Leke Adeboye wrote.

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