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Prophecies For 2018 By Pastor Kayode Adeyemo

Pastor Kayode Adeyemo the general overseer and senior Pastor of The Burning & Shining Light Ministry releases the prophecies for 2018 at the church cross over service.

Below are the prophecies for 2018 through the prophet of God;

  1. Confusion of the highest order in the Nigerian political arena.
  2. The strange Sinking of Political Titans.
  3. Rod of God’s  Vengeance  on  Corrupt  Nigerian  Political  Leaders and  their families  for  their  evil deeds on
  4. Exit of 3 prominent Personalities in Nigeria.
  5. Nigeria will laugh again; economically through massive participation and involvement of Christian in the Politics.
  6. Unrest in some Nations. Especially South African Regions.
  7. Two African former Presidents will die.
  8. Sickness of two Great former/current Footballers resulting to paralysis and death.
  9. God’s Judgment on fake and Greedy Pastors.
  10. Mysterious Killings and assassinations.
  11. Corrupt Nigerian Police personnel to receive God’s Holy Anger.
  12. Special Divine Visitation and Acceleration for Youths that are committed to God’s Course.
  13. The Move of Uncommon Wind/Wave of the Power of the Holy Spirit through the raising of Prophets and Prophetesses.
  14. Some Christians ‘’Axe  head’’  will fall into  water;  some  will see  it  and  some  will    So, don’t lose the Grace of God on you.
  15. The Strike of Strange women and the sexually perverse will be sexually poisoned.
  16. Year of Divine  fulfillment  of Long-time



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