#RCCGFast: Day 21 Prayer Points Of RCCG 40 Days Prayer & Fasting

Day 21 Of 40 Days Fasting And Prayers [Tuesday, January 31, 2017]

Healing In His Presence 

Luke 6:19 And the whole multitude sought to touch him: for there went virtue out of him, and healed them all.



Father in the name of Jesus , thank you for your healing power flowing from the crown of my head to the soul of my feet, I declare the spirit of God has made me and the breath of the Almighty has given me life in Jesus name. I confess, the spirit of him that raised up Jesus from the death dwells in me, he that raised up Christ from the dead , shall also quicken my mortal body by His Spirit that dwells in me. I declare Jesus has giving me eternal life and I shall never perish, neither shall any sickness or infirmity,pluck me out of His hand in Jesus name . I confess , Jesus was wounded for my transgressions, bruised for my iniquities, the chastisement of my peace was upon Him, and with His stripes I am healed , I therefore declare a  complete reversal of all health issues in my body , and I receive the peace of God in Jesus name. I declare the Lord has preserve me from every evil work of infirmity, and I am preserved to serve God, I confess I shall live, I shall not die prematurely, I will fulfill purpose in good heath in Jesus name. Hallelujah.


  1. Father thank you for the healing power in the blood of Jesus, I apply the blood of Jesus to my Spirit, Soul and body in Jesus name.
  1. I declare in the name of Jesus, killer diseases, hear the word of the Lord , I am too defended to be a victim, separate from me now in Jesus name. Father let the fire of the Holy Spirit consume every garment of sickness in my body in Jesus name .
  1. Father in the name of Jesus, destroy every time – bomb killer disease programmed to explode in my life. Arrows of negative inflammation, satanic tumors, vascular disorder, satanic manipulation of free radicals, that may have been fired and growing silently, backfire now in Jesus name.
  1. I declare in the name of Jesus, seasonal sickness, attacking my peace and my glory  be destroyed in Jesus name,  I decree in the name of Jesus, every dead organ in my body, receive life and resurrect in Jesus name.
  1. In the name of Jesus, I declare who is he that says a thing, and it comes to pass, when the Lord has not commanded it, I therefore cancel every clinical prophesy, diagnosis, evil report concerning me, creative healing, mercy, miracles, signs and wonders manifest in my body now in Jesus name. I declare this shall turn to me for a testimony and to Gods glory in Jesus name. Amen.


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