Travis Greene Says “You Waited” Single Brags About The Patience Of God

Stellar award winning artist, Travis Greene, who has been on a worldwide tour, engaging the culture and touching lives, one by one, recently told Parle’ that his latest single “You Waited” is about bragging on the patience of God.

When asked what does “You Waited” signify, Greene revealed that it brags on the patience of God, that we were worth the wait.

For me, it’s a song that just brags about the patience of God. The fact that he decided that we were worth the wait. You know? So many other people may have given up on us or thought we weren’t worth their patience, but God’s not like that. The only reason why you’re still around is that God waited for you. So, that’s what the song is about.

On what lead Greene to pick “You Waited” as a single.

It just registered with me; it was two significant things that made it an easy selection. One, it’s ministered to me in a major way. You know, how a song or something would speak to your heart, and it did that, for me, personally. Two, at the recording, it was like ‘the’ song. So, it was hard to move on from it. People just kept singing it, for thirty minutes plus. That was a sure sign that it was a song that would stick with people.

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