TREM Devotional – The Million-Dollar Question

Dr. Mike Okonkwo TREMTopic: The Million-Dollar Question [TREM Devotional 4 January 2019]

“What shall we say then? Shall we continue in sin, that grace may abound?” Romans 6:1 KJV

Each time the gospel of Grace is taught, the average religious mind would always come with the question: ‘Shall we continue in sin that grace may abound?’ The answer is capital NO. When Jesus paid the price, what He actually did was to remove the law; and when there is no law, there is no sin because sin is nothing but the breaking of the law.

Are we now lawless? Far from it. But what governs the believer is no longer the law but the love of God. The believer who has experienced grace understands the love of God and lives his or her life in a constant reminder of the love of God. When you come to this point, you are overwhelmed by the love of God that all that you want to do is to please Him.

Have you seen a couple who are so in love with each other? You will discover that their hearts literally beat as one. They do things for each other out of a heart of love. They do not cheat on each other, not because the Bible says you should not commit adultery, but because they so love each other. Every time you see them talking, they practically talk about any and everything and in this era of telecommunication, they use it to the maximum, just to enjoy a close walk one with another.

That is exactly the type of relationship God wants from us. He wants you to be so in love with Him that all you want to do, at every point in time, is to please Him. Your ears are to His mouth, you are led by His Spirit and you gladly do the things that He desires of you, not because there is a law, but because there is the strong bond of love.

Further Reading: Romans 6:1-6

Daily Bible Reading: Morning- Gen. 10-11 / Evening- Matt.4

Written by Dr. Mike Okonkwo; Is the Presiding Bishop of The Redeemed Evangelical Mission (TREM); a versatile man of God with over 30 years of dedicated service unto the Lord.

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