[Video] Day 2 Evening | RCCG 65th Annual Convention 2017 – Halleluyah

Day 2 [Evening] RCCG Annual Convention 2017

Theme: Halleluyah

Plenary Session 1: Welcome Service

Ministering: Pastor E.A Adeboye

Topic: Entering God’s Gates

Watch Sermon Below:


Read : Pastor E.A Adeboye Sermon At RCCG 2017 ANNUAL CONVENTION [Day 2 Evening]

General Prayers
1. Lift up your hands and bless His Holy Name.
2. Lift up your voice loud and clear and say Father; by the time this Convention is over; let my Halleluyah be the loudest.
3.  During this convention Father, do what you have never done before. Save souls like never before, heal like never before, set free like never before, bless like never before. Before the sun rise tomorrow, let all of us beginning to sing a new song.

Preambles: To help you shout Halleluyah very well, as at 6pm this evening, the number of babies born is already 26: 16 Boys and 10 Girls.
Because a lot of us are just coming in and we need to settle down, Testimony will be taken from tomorrow as well as the Sanitation Report.
You are all welcome once again to this Year Annual Convention in Jesus Name. It is good to see you. If God tarries, I will see you Next Year.

Tonight, I will just talk with you for few minutes.

Bible Text: Psalm 100: 1-5
“1 Make a joyful noise unto the LORD, all ye lands.
2 Serve the LORD with gladness: come before his presence with singing.
3 Know ye that the LORD he is God: it is he that hath made us, and not we ourselves; we are his people, and the sheep of his pasture.
4 Enter into his gates with thanksgiving, and into his courts with praise: be thankful unto him, and bless his name.
5 For the LORD is good; his mercy is everlasting; and his truth endureth to all generations.”

For those of us wondering why we are so noisy, read V2 – serve the Lord with gladness, Come into His Presence with singing.

Those who want to enter the Gates of the Lord shout Halleluyah… Halleluyah!!!

The Purpose of Gates/Doors is to restrict access…keep those in to be in and those out to be out. It is to limit the number of people coming in because it means there are Treasures within.

For example, in the story of the ten (10) virgins as recorded in Mathew 25. The Bible talks about 10 virgins that went to meet with the Lord. Because He tarried, they slept off and so by the time they heard the sound of His arrival, they discovered that their oil had gone low in their lamp. The wise ones among them put more oil in their lamp while those without extra oil went to buy. By the time the bridegroom came those that are ready enter with Him and the door was shut.

Daddy GO prayed that the door of Joy will not be shut against you.

When the other foolish virgins came, they knocked but told sorry.

Once a door is shut, those that are in are in and those out are out.

The purpose of a Gate is to restrict access. To be able to enter into the Presence of God; in one way or the other, the gate must be opened.

In Psalm 24: 7-10; even when the King of King wants to come in, the gates has to be commanded.

Talking about the New Jerusalem in Revelation 21: 10-13; the bible talked about 12 gates there.

When there are gates, it simply means that there are Precious Things inside.

In Mark 2: 1-12 when the news spread that Jesus Christ was in a House (Daddy can assure us all that Jesus is in the Redemption Camp). Four (4) men brought a man to Jesus. The man has problems – incurable disease, paralyzed from neck downwards, so poor because he can’t work, stagnant with no promotion and so sad and barren. But the man knew deeply that if only he can penetrate through to see Jesus that he will be healed. But the crowd will not allow him to enter either through the door or window. So they have to climb the roof, break it to enter through it. By the time Jesus finished, his sickness, sorrow, burden and shame ceased and gone. And the man went shouting Halleluyah.

Daddy is believing God from all of his hearts and looking forward to this week that all the people that will come to the Convention will go back home shouting Halleluyah.

Daddy is believing God that your shouting Halleluyah won’t be on the last day but shall be from the first day.

Daddy don’t want to take our time tonight. In many programs we have attended we have seen God done so many wonders but he still baffles at the few who don’t receive their miracle but God told him it is to show him that he is not God.

So the point here tonight is that it is not Daddy GO but God and you have simply come because of Him. With Him, there is no limit to what He can do if only you can enter into His Gates…you will come out shouting Halleluyah.

Somehow if that gates can be opened and you sneaked in not matter what your neighbour, Pastor or Faith saying.

Why you may want to say. Isaiah 43:13 says I will work who can hinder.

When God decides to be Himself, nobody can stop Him. When that sick man was brought to Him, He simply told them that his sins were forgiven. Church Leaders and people around grumbled but the man was not interested but go home whole. Because he got to His Presence, he was not disappointed.

Daddy Prophesized that even before you go to bed that you will enter into His Presence.

Psalm 118:19 says: Open to me the gates of righteousness and I will go in to Praise the Lord.

You cannot go in unless He opened the Gates for you. But a way of getting Him to open for you, we will talk about it tomorrow.

How many of you will enter into His Presence tonight? Let me hear you shout Halleluyah.

However, you need the blood of Jesus to watch you clean before you can enter there. Even if He says bring him, you still need to be washed.

When Pharaoh requested for Joseph to be brought into his presence, he had to bath, shave and look presentable.

The blood of Jesus Christ must wash you tonight first before you can enter into His Presence.

So just for 2 minutes, those that are not sure of their salvation should come forward.


Tonight in your own interest, go before God in Thanksgiving…think of all He has done for you even till today. Just magnified His Holy Name.

If you do it very well you will feel yourself that you have entered into His Presence.

Please Praise Him until the gates are opened unto you. You will know yourself that the Turning Point had come at last.

…. What a wonderful Welcome Service indeed as we have entered into God’s Gates tonight indeed!!!


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