Home Devotionals C.A.C Daily Devotional CAC Living Water Daily Devotional – Beware Of Excuses!

CAC Living Water Daily Devotional – Beware Of Excuses!

CAC Living Water Daily Devotional

CAC Living Water Daily Devotional |  Tuesday, February 8, 2022  | Beware Of Excuses!

Topic: Beware Of Excuses!

Date: Tuesday, February 8, 2022

Read: Luke 14:16-24

MEMORISE: And they with one accord began to make excuses (Luke 14:18a)


An excuse is a plea made in defence of a failure in responsibility. It is a statement that says indirectly: “spare me,” or “I am not qualified,” or “I am not ready,” or “I am not interested!”

Many men and women, since time immemorial, have been found wanting and pronounced guilty by this singular act. In the case of Adam and Eve, it brought upon them punishment and banishment or ‘disfellowship’ with God (Gen. 3:9-22). It nearly robbed Naaman, the Syrian warlord, of his much-needed divine healing (2 Kgs. 5:9-15). It deferred the glorious salvation of Governor Felix (Acts 24:25-27), just as it denied a certain privileged individual disciple the honour of apostleship (Matt. 8:21). The list goes on, and on, even to our contemporary world.

Today’s devotional text warns us of an equally “large number” of independent, affluent people that may lose God’s grace, honour and kingdom because of excuses (v. 24). These are those who find fault with the commandments of the Lord. They criticise and find a way of rubbishing every set up, administration and obligations of the Church. They are always not available for Christian fellowship and other related essential spiritual demands, while they have time for other things. They are more politically minded than the soon coming kingdom of Christ. Money, to them, now ‘answers all things’!

However, as it is popularly said, “There is no excuse for making excuses!” Stop giving unnecessary excuses in relation to doing the will and biddings of the Lord (cf. Deut. 30:11-15; Rom. 1:18ff; 2:1). Only then can you enjoy His blessings meant for the obedient, not the excuse-givers (Deut. 28:1ff; Isa. 1:18-20).


1. Thank God for His ability to keep us in His love to the end.

2. Pray for more grace and mercy to be counted worthy of heavenly honour.

3. Pray for CAC Hanson Region, our father in the Lord, the Superintendent, and its officers at the various levels, as led by the Spirit of God.

EXTRA READING FOR TODAY: Leviticus 19 – 20


Author: Christ Apostolic Church  [Worldwide]



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