Home News Foreign News Erica Campbell “My Goal Is To Just Really Inspire People”

Erica Campbell “My Goal Is To Just Really Inspire People”

Gospel singer, and radio show host, Erica Campbell recently revealed that her goal is to really inspire people. To uplift them and let them know that there’s nothing that can stop them.

“No, my goal is to just really inspire people. To uplift them and let them know that there’s nothing that can stop you. You are your biggest obstacle. And once you overcome yourself, nothing is impossible,”the singer said about her music.

Erica went on to talk more about the power of music and the inspiration behind it.

“It’s true,” she said. “It always makes you feel something; happy, sad, angry, in love, out of love. It empowers you, whatever the feeling is that the music embodies. That’s why I think it’s so important what you listen to. If everything is, no slight to anybody, but if everything is ratchet, that’s what’s going to be in your soul. So, I think you should kind of protect your soul and protect your eyes with what you take in. Because when you get to those hard spots, that’s the only thing that’s going to come up.”

Amen to that!



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