Incredible Love – Nathaniel Bassey Ft. Chris Morgan & Simpa Adaba


Multi-Award winning Music minister Nathaniel Bassey has released a brand new song titled ‘Incredible Love‘, featuring Chris Morgan & Simpa Adaba..

Talking about the new single Nathaniel Shares : “Have you ever been so short of words to describe God’s Love and goodness to you, that you had to exclaim IYEE!???? Then Picture an African who has been astounded and flabbergasted, having his hands on his head, and singing IYEE! IYEE!

INCREDIBLE LOVE begins with this sound, IYEE! IYEE! The background vocals chorusing same a few times before the first verse opens. After a few more Iyee rounds, My dear friend and brother, Chris Morgan tells his own story then takes us back to Iyee. When it appears as though The English Language would not suffice, he switches to his eclectic chant in his native Idoma dialect , still celebrating this Love. Not too long after, I lend some Efik to a LOVE totally inexplicable. The trumpet joins, heralding the one who is LOVE himself; Jesus Christ.

Another friend and brother, reinforces the cries of Iyee with an emphatic bass sound and also drops it like a huge bass drum-a kind of response at the first verse.

All these expressions, running like a bow of colors across this joyful song, celebrating the Incredible love of our God. If you have ever danced in the Spirit before, then this presents yet another opportunity to do so even more…And what better time to celebrate than at Christmas, when LOVE literally came down.

So friends and family, here’s presenting INCREDIBLE LOVE. May this love flood your heart like never before. Now and always.

I wish you a merry Christmas and a happy new year.


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Music: Mma Mma – Seyi Adegbenro Ft. Temiloluwa


After the release of his trending single “Alive & Well”, Seyi Adegbenrodid not relent in his effort to lift up the name of God in his songs; this time a worship medley titled “Mma Mma”.

In his words he said;
“In the bid to want to worship God because of who He is, not minding the situations surrounding me, i got the inspiration for the songs and i want to impel every believer that God is bigger than any situation we may be going through. So in every situation, we must always focus on the greatness and awesomeness of God; who is able to calm the storms of life.

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Video: Ahaa – Tim Godfrey


Superstar Kingdom singer, Tim Godfrey has premiered the video to his wave making and much talked about single “AHAA”.

AHAA, a fusion of modern trap music and African vibes was released some weeks ago, becoming a major movement amongst music favorites worldwide.

Watch AHAA video below; like, leave comment and hit the subscribe button as well.

AHAA was produced by SMJ and video credit to Frizzle & Bizzle Films.

Watch Video & Download Audio Below:





Music: O Come All Ye Faithful – Christina


In Need of Something Fresh For This Season ? Here it is.

Former member of the 2x Stellar-Nominated Gospel Group Zie’l, Christina releases her cover of the holiday classic “O Come All Ye Faithful“, Lifted from her solo debut project, “Just Believe“.

Listen to “O Come All Ye Faithful” Below:


Make Your Dream A Reality ~ Pastor Ayo Oritsejafor


Topic: Make Your Dream A Reality [December 20, 2016]

“And behold, a woman, which was diseased with an issue of blood twelve years, came behind him, and touched the hem of His garment.” (Matthew 9:20)

The above text tells us a pathetic story about the woman with the issue of blood for twelve years. Good enough, she had a mental picture or a dream of what her life was supposed to be. Within herself, she was no longer seeing the woman with the issue of blood. It was the picture she had in her mind that made her to say “… if I may but touch His garment, I shall be made whole.” (Matthew 9:21)

St. Mark’s record of the same story highlights that it was not a walk over victory. When she heard of Jesus, she came in despite the press behind and touched His garment. What is the press? In some translations, the press means the crowd. This indicates that she was seeing the picture of her dreams but there was an obstacle-the crowd.

The press is the obstacle between you and your dreams. If you can see the picture, you must fight for your dreams. Let me share with you the story of a certain man in a city who had just ten thousand dollars ($10,000). He had a dream to start a bank and he knew within himself that he would start one. People doubted the possibility of this coming to reality because the banking business is a capital intensive one. He began to pray and to believe God for it. Then one day, he attended a service and the pastor was raising funds for the church building.

The Pastor said: “I want people to give ten thousand dollars.” The Holy Spirit ministered to the man: “Give your ten thousand dollars.” And he obeyed. He was left with nothing but he was still seeing himself owning a bank. When he got home, his wife could not understand how a person could give away all he had as a capital for a business that was not even ready to take off. She concluded that her husband was stupid. The day the church building was was formally opened; the Pastor narrated the story of this man to the congregation, unknown to the Pastor and the man concerned, there were present in the service that day some whose business was to invest in banks.

At the end of the service, they contacted the man and asked him if he had the required capital. He said: “well, I know that I will open a bank.” To cut the long story short, the men said: “We like your spirit, we will help you.” At the end of it all, they helped him start a bank without a dollar contribution from him. Today, he owns the largest bank in the city. This story should be an encouragement to you. Men’s option do not count when it comes to realizing your dream.


FURTHER READING: Matthew 9:20-21
WORDS OF WISDOM: Men’s opinion do not count when it comes to realizing your dream.
PRAYER/CONFESSION: I press forward for my dream. I do not care what the obstacles are or where they are coming from. They must fall in the name of Jesus.

Eagles Devotional is a daily revelatory and inspirational Publication by Pastor Ayo Oritsejafor, the founder and presiding Pastor of Word of Life Bible Church, Warri, Nigeria.


Operate By The Word ~ Pastor William Kumuyi


Topic: Operate By The Word [December 20, 2016]

Text: Galatians 5:13-18

Key Verse: “For all the law is fulfilled in one word, even in this; Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself” (Galatians 5:14).

Astory is told of how a man dreamt about our Lord Jesus Christ and three women who were praying. The Lord knelt beside the first with tenderness and love. He moved to the second and placed His hand on her head and looked at her approvingly. But the Lord passed by the third without stopping. Jesus had to explain to the puzzled dreamer.

He said: “Without constant assurance, the first woman would stumble and fall. The second woman’s faith is stronger; I can count on her. The third however, is being trained for the highest calling of all. She knows me so intimately that she doesn’t need signs of my approval. No circumstance discourages her because she knows that ultimately she can trust Me”. Apostle Paul was directed by the Holy Spirit to write to the Galatian church which can be likened to the first woman.

They needed constant reminder (assurance) of the new life of liberty they had under Christ as different from the bondage under the law of Judaism. After they had been converted, following their pardon from sin upon accepting Jesus as their Saviour, these Gentile Christians were now being asked by Jewish Christians to submit to Jewish traditions. They claimed that only a combination of these would save them. Paul rebuffed that we are saved by faith in Jesus, not in observance of the law or by adding to the finished work of Christ.

The law enslaves, while faith in Christ sets free, a liberty which is no license to pander to sin but to guide one to serve God and His Church in love and unity. That faith in Jesus, and holy, sanctified service for Him are the qualification for heaven is a teaching the Church needs to give new converts with a zeal to abide by the salvation doctrine all the time, so that they do not fall into the hands of ecumenical prophets. Nothing less and nothing else.

Thought for the day: Compromising the truth of the Scripture is an assault against divine directive.

Bible Reading in one Year: Zechariah 6-9

DCLM Daily Manna was written by Pastor William Folorunso Kumuyi; is the founder and General Superintendent of the Deeper Life Bible Church situated at KM 42 on the busy Lagos-Ibadan Expressway, Nigeria.


A Little Bit Of Heaven On Earth ~ Kenneth Copeland


Topic: A Little Bit Of Heaven On Earth [December 20, 2016]

Put on therefore, as the elect of God, holy and beloved, bowels of mercies, kindness, humbleness of mind, meekness, longsuffering; forbearing one another, and forgiving one another…even as Christ forgave you. – Colossians 3:12-13

Living in a home filled with the love and the peace of God Himself is almost like living in heaven right here on earth. We all know that’s true. And we long to live in such a home. Yet, time and time again, we shortchange our families. We spend our kindest words and our most winning smiles on those beyond our front door.

Have you ever wondered why?

The answer is simpler than you might suspect. Spiritually speaking, your family is under attack. You see, it is not only one of your most precious gifts, when it’s operating in harmony, it’s one of your most powerful resources. Satan knows that even if you don’t—and he’s out to destroy it.

His battle plan is simple. He will do everything he can to create strife in your home. He’ll stir up feelings of self-pity and jealousy. He’ll encourage you to nurse resentments and harbor bitterness. And through it all, his purpose remains the same: to divide and destroy your home.

When God’s people get in harmony with each other, miracles start to happen. Their agreement creates an atmosphere in which God’s supernatural, miracle-working power is free to flow! So Satan is constantly tempting us to spoil that atmosphere, to foul things up by being at odds with each other. All too often we fall prey to his tactics simply because we don’t realize just how dangerous strife really is. One close look at the Word of God will solve that problem, however. James 3:16 says, “Where envying and strife is, there is confusion and every evil work.”

Don’t open the door of your home to Satan by allowing your family the “luxury” of a few quarrels.

Stop the destruction before it starts. Anchor yourself to God’s Word. Find out what He has to say about the power of agreement. Stop looking at your family from your own limited perspective and start seeing it as God sees it—as a powerhouse! That way you won’t drift helplessly into an argument every time a gust of emotion blows through your home.

Determine right now not to let the devil have your family. Instead, pray for them, support them and love them. Bring them together, so you can all enjoy a little bit of heaven on earth.

Scripture Reading: Colossians 3:12-25

This message was written by Kenneth and Gloria Copeland, the leader of the Kenneth Copeland Ministries ( that specializes in teaching principles of bible faith – prayer, healing, salvation and other biblical topics.


Lying Not A Christian Virtue ~ Pastor E.A Adeboye


Topic: Lying Not A Christian Virtue [Tuesday 20, December 2016]

Memorise: A lying tongue hateth those that are afflicted by it; and a flattering mouth worketh ruin.Proverbs 26:28

Read: Ephesians 4:22-25 (KJV)

22 That ye put off concerning the former conversation the old man, which is corrupt according to the deceitful lusts;

23 And be renewed in the spirit of your mind;

24 And that ye put on the new man, which after God is created in righteousness and true holiness.

25 Wherefore putting away lying, speak every man truth with his neighbour: for we are members one of another.

Bible in One Year: Leviticus 14, Psalms 125-126


Today, we are revisiting a previous discussion on a deadly sin that has been trivialized in modern times. Indeed, lying is not a Christian virtue; on the contrary, one of the fruits of righteousness is the hatred of lies. Today, the world has classified lies. Some are called heavy lies, some feather weight lies, some are white lies, some are green lies, some are business lies, some are ministerial lies; some are lies that cannot hurt a fly, while some are dangerous and implicating lies. No matter how men, by their own opinions, choose to classify lies, deciding what a lie is, is not in the purview of men but of God; hence such classifications hold no water. If you are a lover of lies, you are far from being righteous. If you tell lies at all, you are miles from being righteous. Do you know that if you keep away from sin and the only crime found in you after death is a lie, it will keep you from entering through the pearly gates? Revelations 21:28 says that all categories of liars will be found in the lake of fire, not in Heaven:

“And there shall in no wise enter into it any thing that defileth, neither whatsoever worketh abomination, or maketh a lie: but they which are written in the Lamb’s book of life.”

Nothing can ever take anyone in the above categories into Heaven. If you are a lying leader, you are simply on  your way to hell. A righteous fellow cannot stand lies because he or she is a chip off the old block; a child of truth whose father is the Truth (Revelation 19:11-16), in John 8:44, Jesus says that the devil is a liar and the father of all liars. If you are a General Overseer or superintendent, a senior pastor or believer and you tell lies, your father is the devil. A day is coming when everybody will go back to their father. After death, the devil will stand in the way to claim his own. He will ask some popular leaders and believers; “Where are you going?” they will reply: “I am going to Heaven of course”. The devil will laugh them to scorn. “Did you not read that all liars will go to hell in Revelations 21:8? You are my child, come with me to the lake of fire, our eternal abode”. Make restitution on the lies you have told. Have you offered some people some benefits in a business transaction and you received the payment, but for one reason or the other, you did not give them what you promised? Go and return their money or else that lie and deceit will not allow you into Heaven.

Prayer Point: Father, please deliver me from any sin that can prevent me from entering into Heaven.

Open Heavens Daily Devotional guide was written by Pastor E.A. Adeboye, the General Overseer of the Redeemed Christian Church of God, one of the largest evangelical church in the world and also the President of Christ the Redeemer’s Ministries.


Curing Unbelief ~ Pastor Chris Oyakilome


Topic: Curing Unbelief [Tuesday, December 20th] 

And he could there do no mighty work, save that he laid his hands upon a few sick folk, and healed them. And he marvelled because of their unbelief. And he went round about the villages, teaching (Mark 6:5-6).

In Mark 9, we read how the disciples of Jesus tried to cast a devil out of a young boy, but to no avail. When Jesus arrived, the father of the demon-possessed boy pleaded with Him for help. Straightway, Jesus rebuked the demon, and the boy was healed instantly. This marvelled the disciples, because Jesus didn’t do anything different from what they did (at least, so it seemed). Distraught, they came to Jesus privately and asked Him, “Master, why couldn’t we cast the devil out?”

The Master replied them plainly, “…Because of your unbelief…” (Matthew 17:20). The disciples certainly didn’t think their problem was unbelief; otherwise, they wouldn’t have asked Jesus the question in the first place. They believed; that’s why they were with Jesus! They thought they had faith; that’s why they dared to cast the devil out! However, Jesus knew better; He stated the missing link as “unbelief.”

Many people find themselves in similar situations today. They wonder why they didn’t get the job or the money, despite all their prayers and confessions. Well, like the disciples of Jesus, it’s because of their unbelief. The fact that you didn’t get what you wanted doesn’t mean the Gospel you received isn’t working. Rather, it simply shows that you need to learn more of God’s Word and act on it. Unbelief is the result of insufficient information from God’s Word. The cure, therefore, is the teaching of God’s Word. Keep bombarding your spirit with God’s Word to rid it of unbelief.

When the Lord Jesus experienced unbelief from the people in His hometown of Nazareth, He resorted to teaching the Word. Mark 6:6 says He marvelled because of their unbelief and went into their villages, teaching the Word. That’s how you get rid of unbelief. When people have difficulty believing, teach them the Scriptures. Explain to them how the power of God works, and faith will be stirred in them to receive whatever miracles they desire, and they’ll be able to retain it.


Dear Father, I rejoice at your Word, which prevails in and through me today. I consciously saturate my heart with the Word of faith, which is able to build me up, and propel me in my destiny in Christ, in Jesus’ Name. Amen.

Further Study: || Hebrews 11:6 But without faith [it is] impossible to please [him]: for he that cometh to God must believe that he is, and [that] he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him. ||

|| Romans 10:17 So then faith [cometh] by hearing, and hearing by the word of God. ||

Daily Scripture Reading

1-Year Bible Reading Plan: Revelation 12,
Micah 6-7

2-Year Bible Reading Plan: Revelation 16:11-21,
Zephaniah 3

EXTRACT FROM: Rhapsody of Realities Daily Devotional


Music: Glorious God – Glory Kings Ft. Emeka Ibe [@Glorykings]


“Glorious God” is a song of worship unto God. It was received while I was in one of our Church services. The song talks about returning all the glory to God for all He has done in our lives. It was also inspired by the popular Christmas scripture from the book of Isaiah 9:6 – “He shall be called Wonderful, Counsellor, Mighty God, Everlasting God, Prince of peace.”

“It’s a beautiful worship song that you can use in worship and adoration of Our God even in this season. You could actually bring down His presence as you call Him by His different names. The song features a very talented brother of mine, Emeka Ibe.” – Glory King

Glorious God was produced by Greenwox.


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Watch Israel Houghton & Adrienne Bailon Perform “Little Drummer Boy” On ‘The Real’


Word is, The Real is fishing for a new cost-host and we nominate Israel Houghton.

Last week the singer appeared on the talk show with his singer wife and The Real co-host Adrienne Bailon to perform “Little Drummer Boy.” Both were decked out in classic white on a lit and snowy stage that set the mood for their smooth rendition.

This is at least the third time Houghton appeared alongside his boo at her job, but it was the lovebirds’ first performance together as husband and wife.

Watch Video Below:


Music: Hallelujah – Abraham Jiya Ft. Agnes Baba [@ab_dot_j]


Niger state based Gospel artiste Abraham Jiya is out with a beautiful song for the season.

Off his forthcoming album, “Your Will” singer comes with “Hallelujah” featuring the amazing vocalist Agnes Baba.

“God Himself has given us freedom, liberty and made us victorious through the Birth of JESUS”, says Abraham Jiya, “and so we will keep on singing hallelujah today, tomorrow and forever… Merry Christmas and a prosperous New Year to you.”

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Music: Nagode Remix – Dewale [@dewalemusic]


If the original version of Nagode was birthed when I compared pictures then the remix was arranged when I started counting my blessings.

I was reduced to tears when I realized that God just seemed to be waiting for me at the point of my needs. He has blessed me inspite of me. Inspite of my filth He has turned my mess to a message to me. This has being a pillar in my walk with God.
I can go on and on listing His benefits to me and I will not exhaust the list. He is been so good to us…#Nagode Yesu…
Nagode means thank You in a local Nigerian language. Hope you enjoy this beautiful tune produced by Sampro.

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ThrowBack Music: African Christmas – Tonia


Over 2000 years ago , Christ was born into this World to reconcile us back to the Father and to restore our dominion here on earth.
Africa hosted Christ when He was sent to Egypt for safety…….counting us worthy as a Continent. Mattew 2: 13-15.

It’s that time of the year again when we look back and say thank You to God for sending us His Son. Isaiah 9:6-7. Lets share the love, lets spread the news; for He is the reason for the season.

So put on your dancing shoes and join me as we sing and dance to AFRICAN CHRISTMAS.


Watch Video & Download Audio Below




ThrowBack Music: Star Of Wonder – Cobhams Asuquo


Prolific music producer Cobhams Asuquo releases brand new Christmas song titled ‘Star of Wonder’. The song literally has lot of music flavour in it, from Classic foreign sound mixed with the traditional African rhythm.

According to Cobhams, he said ‘This is one of my favorite carols and as I sat in my studio making this music, I thought of you…”

Watch Video & Download Audio Below: 

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