It’s one thing to love money and another thing to prioritize God above money. Bishop Wisdom Irabor, founder of Answers Assembly, has given his members an insight into how he hate disrespect and dishonour for God.

Bishop Irabor was ministering during Sunday service at his church in Warri Delta. He narrated how he asked three pastors who came late to the 2023 crossover service to seat with the congregation at the back.
According to him these three pastors who came late to the crossover service, gave him huge amount of money during Christmas. Despite this, he didn’t allow them seat close to him because he hate disrespect and dishonour for God.
“Three Pastors who gave me huge amount of money for Christmas celebration, came late to crossover service. I still asked them to go and seat with the congregation at the back. They must not seat anywhere close to me. I need money but I hate disrespect and dishonour for God”, Bishop Irabor said.
The Bishop went further to explain to his congregation, reasons he asked the three pastors to seat behind despite gifting him huge offering.
He stated that pastors should be good examples by not coming late to church. This is because he isn’t bothered about money when relating with people rather he is contented.
“You as a leader must be an example to the flock. If pastors are coming late what do we expect from members? If I cant correct you because of the money you are giving me, then I have failed as a leader. Money is the last thing I consider when I relate with people, that is why I don’t play with the spirit of contentment. So that you can’t withdraw money and get my attention”, he said.
Bishop Irabor reminded his church members of the story of a pastor who left his ministry. The pastor has grown in the ministry such that he is the one teaching his present boss about church administration.
“I am not training you just to succeed under me, or to help me succeed, I train you in a way that you will succeed and survive anywhere you find yourself in life. It is not about Answers Assembly, it is about your own destiny. A pastor who left me told someone that he is grateful to God that he learnt so much about church administration from me. That today, he is the one teaching the man he is working with everything about church administration”, the Bishop said.