Home News Prophetic Declarations For This Week By Bishop David Oyedepo

Prophetic Declarations For This Week By Bishop David Oyedepo

Prophetic Declarations For This Week By Bishop David Oyedepo

Prophetic Declarations For This Week By Bishop David Oyedepo

1. I decree your marital settlement today!

2. Whatever the enemy has done in anyone’s life, God will undo them today!

3. For every unsettled home, today is declared your day of settlement!

4. Every form of addiction in anyone’s life that is out to destroy your life, such addiction is terminated!

5. Every storm in anyone’s home is declared over!

6. Many news-maker will emerge before the year is over!

7. Every implant of the devil tormenting anyone life is flushed out today!

8. By the communion today anyone taste for sin is flushed out!

9. I release fresh wisdom to manage your home!

10. The week is declared a week of breakthrough testimony!




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