#RCCGFast: Day 14 Prayer Points Of RCCG 40 Days Prayer & Fasting

Day 14 of 40 Days Prayer/Fasting [Tuesday January 24, 2017]
Nigeria Shall Be Great Again 

Proverbs 14:34 Godliness makes a nation great, but sin is a disgrace to any people.


1. Father thank you for the wind of revival that is blowing across the cities of Nigeria in 2017.

2. Father let nations of the world trust you more because of what you are doing in our land, Father do creative miracles in our country , Father have mercy on us and rearrange every disorganized sectors in our economy. Father throughout this year 2017 let your peace reign in the East, West, North and South of Nigeria. Father put an end to selfish ethnic agitations in Nigeria.

3. Father in the name of Jesus, do a new work of divine transformation in Nigeria, give us reasons to rejoice and celebrate, put an end to  violence, destruction, sorrow, disappointment, kidnapping , ritual killings, armed robbery , and lack of patriotism in Nigeria .

4. Father in the name of Jesus, raise up leaders and followers in the villages, towns and cities of Nigeria, who will lift up the banner of righteousness, those who will be Catalyst of positive change, those who will be role models that will be used by God to birth a New Nigeria that will be a great Nation . Father let there be speedy judgment for every form of lawlessness, unnecessary murders, impunity and corruption in Nigeria. Father let there be righteous rule in Nigeria, let godliness, honesty, mercy, genuine love for the people and reverential fear of the Lord be the hallmark of this present government.

5. Father restore all of Nigeria’s lost glory and economic prosperity , Father restore the honor and dignity of our nation, Father make us the desire of many nations, I declare over Nigeria, fear not ,oh Nigeria, be glad , rejoice , for the Lord will do great things in Jesus name.


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