Home Devotionals The Yoke Of Witchcraft ~ Pastor Ayo Oritsejafor

The Yoke Of Witchcraft ~ Pastor Ayo Oritsejafor

Topic: The Yoke Of Witchcraft [Wednesday May 24, 2017]

“Now the works of the flesh are … Adultery, fornication, uncleanness, lasciviousness, Idolatry … they which do such things shall not inherit the kingdom of God” (Gal 5:19-21).

Witchcraft is also mentioned in Gal. 5:19-21. On the surface, it is impossible to comprehend that witchcraft is a manifestation of the flesh, but it is. Have you ever wondered why witches go to church? Witches go to church because of guilty conscience. They know they are condemned before God and feel guilty yet they can’t help themselves. Have you ever wondered why a woman who carried her baby for nine months, and laboured to deliver the baby would turn around and kill the baby? Some even kill their only means of livelihood.

Some time ago, I was shown a man who was pregnant. The story is very strange but equally true. He took his own wife’s pregnancy through wizardry. That is madness and spiritual bondage in its extremity!

Who’s troubling you with witchcraft? There’s a way out: “Walk in the Spirit.” All you need if you are under such bondage is the faith to believe God. If you’re a witch, the God I serve can set you free. You don’t have to destroy your child, spouse, brother, sister, neighbour and yourself.  You cannot afford to live in torment either.

All the works of the flesh have the same mode of operation: the victims are in the bondage of the flesh. By the authority in the name of Jesus, I break the wings of witches and wizards in the church. If you are a witch, from this night on, you can no more fly! If you are suffering under witchcraft bondage and have been struggling to free yourself in vain, today is your day of deliverance! Be free, in Jesus’ name.


Word of Wisdom: Some stories are strange but true. You cannot afford to live in torment.

Prayer/Confession: Father, break the power of witches and wizards from my life. You witch troubling me, I break your wings, in Jesus’ name.

Further Reading: Gal. 5:16-21



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