Home Devotionals C.A.C Daily Devotional CAC Living Water Daily Devotional – Stay Humble, Or Be Humbled!

CAC Living Water Daily Devotional – Stay Humble, Or Be Humbled!

CAC Living Water Daily Devotional

CAC Living Water Daily Devotional |  Saturday, January 15, 2021 | Stay Humble, Or Be Humbled!


Topic: Stay Humble, Or Be Humbled!

Date: Saturday, January 15, 2021

Read: Matthew 23:1-12

MEMORISE: And whoever exalts himself will be humbled, and he who humbles himself will be exalted (Matthew 23:12).


It is better to be humble than to be humbled. Humility is deliberately bringing oneself low, in spite of one’s high status, spiritual and physical achievements, etc. On the other hand, to be humbled implies that one is being degraded, pulled down, disgraced, or humiliated in spite of whoever or whatever he/she thinks or claims to be.

There have been cases of people who got angry just because they were not “well introduced” or “well-recognised at gatherings, thereby losing their dignity and the people’s respect. Contrarily, there are doctors, professors, etc. who prefer to be called and introduced as brothers sisters in the Lord.

James 4:6b says, God resists the proud, but gives grace to the humble. To resist means to fiercely stand against,” “to reject,” “to disapprove of.” This infers that God stands against, rejects and disapproves of the proud. That is, He drives them far away from Him, but gives grace to the humble, and lifts them up in due time (Jas. 4:10). To lift up is to promote, approve of, motivate, and encourage, which means God promotes, approves of, motivates and encourages the humble. The humble has nothing to lose: the proud has everything to lose.

What status have you attained? This should make you humbler and calmer. In John 3:27, it is clear that no man has anything except all that is given from heaven. So, if God has given you all your achievements, why boast and oppress others with them as if you got them by your own might? Remember the Pharaoh, Nebuchadnezzar and Herod! What about Queen Vashti? Conversely, remember David, Joseph, Daniel, Mary (the mother of Jesus Christ), Esther, and even our Lord Jesus Christ Himself. They were all humble people who God exalted and promoted in due seasons. If you refuse to be humble, you will soon fumble, and be humbled. God forbid!


1. Lord, instil in me the spirit of humility like the mind in our Lord Jesus.

2. Lord, let me never be carried away by worldly achievements.

3. Pray for CAC Latunde Region, our father in the Lord, the Superintendent, and its officers at the various levels, as led by the Spirit of God.

Extra Reading for Today: Genesis 41-42


Author: Christ Apostolic Church  [Worldwide]





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